Each exam includes a specific number of questions that is clearly outlined when you make your purchase and register. NWCA exam questions are pulled from a bank of larger questions. If you take an exam more than one time, expect to receive different questions. Each exam is carefully developed allowing just enough time for completion. Check the NWCA website for the exact number of questions and time available for each exam.


To continually provide the highest quality certification examinations and ensure practitioner competency, NWCA examinations go through the job analysis process typically every 3 years. When new exams are released, pilot scoring is used to ensure candidates are scored appropriately and pass/fail scores are set fairly. Once the scoring adjustments are complete and the pass/fail scores are set, the NWCA exams progress to full release and candidates receive their results immediately from that point forward.


NWCA exam purchase price includes everything needed to successfully earn a digital credential such as a comprehensive study guide, one exam attempt, exam proctoring (remote or in-person), and online practice questions to test the platform and process.


Every certification and microcredential comes with a comprehensive study guide. This guide describes the purpose of the exam, the target audience, competencies covered, and key content areas that may be on the exam. Note that the study guide is comprehensive, however, each NWCA exam is unique and may not contain questions from all content areas. However, to successfully complete an exam, NWCA recommends you are prepared to answer questions on all topics listed.


Exam takers have one opportunity to pass a certification or microcredential exam. A score of 70% or better is needed to pass an exam and receive a digital badge. Exam takers must score 70% or better and have completed the exam according to the NWCA exam rules and conduct. Exam takers suspected of cheating or misconduct by the proctor, will have their digital badge removed. If exam takers meet the criteria stated, then they will earn a digital badge.

Driven by Precision & Focus

NWCA exams are developed using strict quality standards and guidelines. Content experts from each industry have been hand-picked to write and review questions resulting in laser-focused exams that only test the competencies and skills outlined.  Every exam comes with a custom study guide that carefully highlights critical content areas covered. Given NWCA's strict question development procedures, you can can be confident each exam measures the skills and abilities employers value most.